Another kind of summary

Edited by LaSolistia and WhoKnowsW 

In a small and almost empty room, a person seated in lotus position on top of the bed was writing. The pen in his hand was tirelessly moving on the yellowish-white paper. And where the pen moved, dots formed letters, the letters formed words and the words formed worlds. As time passed, and the pen followed the time, slowly, creating world after word.

Suddenly a middle-aged woman entered the room making the pen stop and the lotus seated person look at her.

"What are you writing?”

“A legend…” Said the man on the bed with a smug smile on his face.

“A legend? What legend?” Asked the woman, yet to be impressed.

“Actually is not really a legend. It’s more like the life story of a boy who lives in a world where the strong are right, and the weak are wrong.”

“Hm… So does he have some super power that makes him strong?”

“Yes.” On the face of the man appeared again a smug smile.

“What super power? Does he breathe fire or becomes invisible?” The woman’s eyes sparkled before she asked.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! No. He is just wickedly smart.”

“Oh… And what is the name of this story?”

“Divine Tamer.”

“Ok. Then I will let you continue your legend.”

“Thank you.” He nodded before the pen is his hand started to run on the blank sheets of paper, creating yet again.

And so the middle-aged woman exited the room and closed the door. A smile appeared on her face and she quietly murmured before fading into the shadows of the house.

“Divine Tamer…”


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